Are you a note-taker or journal writer? Do you keep a daily diary, or even just like to make lists and keep them all in one place?
Check out these journals! For your convenience, Amazon affiliate links are provided directly to each journal, and at no extra cost to you.
Unbroken + High-Vibin' Dream Building Women - 150 lined pages, with writing prompts ONLY on the inside cover.
The rest of the journal is blank (lined paper).
Size: 6" x 9" (this is big compared to most journals!)
If you are familiar with author Jo Pronger Faulkner's private facebook group, Unbroken + High-Vibin' Dream Building Women, you'll recognize this cover logo!
Affiliate links below are for your convenience. There is no extra cost to you for using the link.
150 lined pages (no writing prompts)
The cover is of a cute Corn Island lizard, with the words "Big Corn Island, Nicaragua."
ALL PROCEEDS go to supporting a Big Corn Island, Nicaragua family in need.
150 lined pages (no writing prompts)
The cover is of coconut trees, with the words "Welcome to the jungle!"
Logo on the back is Drifter's Claim, a vacation retreat on Big Corn Island, Nicaragua. Nestled on a beautiful jungle property in amongst plantain, bananas and mango trees, the Drifter's Claim vacation house is only a 7-10 minute walk from the turquoise Caribbean ocean & gorgeous sandy beach!
6" x 9" BLANK JOURNAL with Corn Island Vacations logo.
150 lined pages (no writing prompts)
ALL PROCEEDS go to supporting a Big Corn Island, Nicaragua family in need.
6" x 9"
150 lined blank pages (NO prompts.)
This blank, lined journal makes a useful companion book to write your thoughts and notes while reading The Autoimmune Warrior's Healing Key, although you do NOT need to read the book in order to use the journal since all the journal pages are blank.
It's a great spot to write your shopping lists, your to-do tasks, as well as your goals and dreams!
"I just want to drink margaritas & save animals."
6" x 9"
150 lined blank pages
ALL PROCEEDS go to supporting a Big Corn Island, Nicaragua family in need.
A journal for those of us born & raised in the "boonies" of Northwestern Ontario.
BOONDOCKS born & raised
Northwestern Ontario
6" x 9"
150 lined blank pages
This graphic is also available on shirts & hoodies!
Want to create your OWN 6" x 9" lined-page journals?
You can download a pre-formatted TEMPLATE here!
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